Must children barrie death?
A young boy saw, what no one should have seen. He barried the suffring of humanity, he loved the ones that should never been loved, he cried to life, he lived for hate. The world was full of oppurtonites, full of love, full of hope...but when the life of a kid, a young boy, a small inoccence, has to manage to coexist with the idea of reality, pure truth, complete knownledge of what exist in our society; is disturbing. Will those children still want to live? Is it worth living, knowing or not knowing the world that sorrund us? Would it be fair to take the mistakes of others? Hundreds of kids must live with hate and death for a life time, and we, pure of happiness ignore them. Must we open our eyes, or hold them closed? Must we help or be helped? The boys only wish, is to be like us, to be loved like us...for once.
MJCC (17.02.06)
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